Kubectl command guide
Usefull commands
Basic Commands
Context configuration
# Set a new context with a specific cluster, namespace, and user
kubectl config set-context <context> --cluster=my-cluster --namespace=development --user=dev-user
# Switch to a specific context to make it the active context for future commands
kubectl config use-context <context>
# Display the current active context
kubectl config current-context
# List all available contexts in the kubeconfig file
kubectl config get-contexts
# Rename an existing context
kubectl config rename-context <old_context> <new_context>
# Delete a context from the kubeconfig file
kubectl config delete-context <old_context>
# Set a default namespace for a specific context
kubectl config set-context <context> --namespace=default
Context configuration using EKS
aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name> --profile <profile>
Retrieve a list of nodes
A comprehensive guide to essential kubectl commands for effective Kubernetes cluster management.
kubectl get no # Display a basic list of nodes
kubectl get no -o wide # List nodes with additional details like IP and role
kubectl describe no # Detailed information about each node
kubectl get no -o yaml # Output node list in YAML format
Retrieve nodes with a specific label
kubectl get node --selector=<label_name> # Filter nodes by a specific label
kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' # Display external IPs
Resource Usage and Monitoring
Monitor the resource usage of nodes and containers.
Display resource usage statistics
kubectl top node <node_name> # Show resource usage (CPU and memory) for a specific node
Roles and Namespaces
Commands for managing and listing roles and namespaces.
Display roles in all namespaces
kubectl get roles --all-namespaces # List roles in all namespaces
kubectl get roles -o yaml # List roles in YAML format for more detail
Display a list of namespaces
kubectl get namespaces # List available namespaces
kubectl get ns -o yaml # List namespaces in YAML format
kubectl describe ns <namespace_name> # Detailed information about a specific namespace
Pods Management
Essential commands for listing and managing pods.
Retrieve a list of pods
kubectl get pod # List all pods in the current namespace
kubectl get pod -o wide # Display additional pod info like IP and node
kubectl describe pod # Show detailed pod information
kubectl get pod --show-labels # List pods with their associated labels
kubectl get pod -l app=<app_name> # Filter pods by specific label, like "app"
kubectl get pod -o yaml # Output pods in YAML format
Save the YAML of a specific pod
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml --export > <pod_name>.yaml # Export pod definition to a file
Retrieve running pods only
kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running # List only running pods
Deployments Management
Commands to manage deployments within the cluster.
Retrieve a list of deployments
kubectl get deploy # List deployments in the current namespace
kubectl describe deploy <deploy_name> # Detailed information about a deployment
kubectl get deploy -o wide # List deployments with extra details
kubectl get deploy -o yaml # Output deployments in YAML format
Commands to manage and list services, the stable access points to your workloads.
Retrieve a list of services
kubectl get svc # List services in the current namespace
kubectl describe svc <service_name> # Detailed information about a specific service
kubectl get svc -o wide # List services with additional details
kubectl get svc -o yaml # Output services in YAML format
kubectl get svc --show-labels # List services along with their labels
Manage DaemonSets, which ensure each node runs a specific copy of a pod.
Retrieve a list of DaemonSets
kubectl get ds # List DaemonSets in the current namespace
kubectl describe ds <ds_name> -n <namespace_name> # Detailed information about a specific DaemonSet
kubectl get ds <ds_name> -n <namespace_name> -o yaml # Output DaemonSet in YAML format
Display recent events in the cluster, useful for troubleshooting.
Display events
kubectl get events # List events in the current namespace
kubectl get events -n kube-system # List events specifically in the kube-system namespace
kubectl get events -w # Watch for new events in real-time
Retrieve logs from pods, essential for debugging applications.
Display logs for a pod
kubectl logs <pod_name> # View logs for a specific pod
kubectl logs <pod_name> --since=1h # Logs from the past hour
kubectl logs --tail=20 <pod_name> # Last 20 lines of logs
kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name> # Logs of a specific container in a pod
Save logs to a file
kubectl logs <pod_name> > pod.log # Save pod logs to a file for future reference
Service Accounts
Commands to manage service accounts that provide identities for processes within the cluster.
Display a list of service accounts
kubectl get sa # List service accounts in the current namespace
kubectl get sa -o yaml # Service accounts in YAML format
kubectl get sa default -o yaml > sa.yaml # Save the default service account configuration to a file
Manage ReplicaSets, which ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running.
Retrieve a list of ReplicaSets
kubectl get rs # List ReplicaSets in the current namespace
kubectl describe rs <replicaset_name> # Detailed information about a ReplicaSet
kubectl get rs -o wide # List ReplicaSets with extra details
kubectl get rs -o yaml # Output ReplicaSets in YAML format
Multiple Resources
Retrieve multiple types of resources at once, useful for broad cluster overview
Retrieve multiple resources at once
kubectl get svc,pod # List services and pods
kubectl get deploy,node # List deployments and nodes
kubectl get all # List all resources in the current namespace
kubectl get all --all-namespaces # List all resources across all namespaces
Secrets and ConfigMaps
Commands to manage Secrets and ConfigMaps, essential for configuration and sensitive data.
Retrieve secrets
kubectl get secrets # List secrets in the current namespace
kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces # List secrets in all namespaces
kubectl get secrets -o yaml # Output secrets in YAML format
Retrieve ConfigMaps
kubectl get cm # List ConfigMaps in the current namespace
kubectl get cm --all-namespaces # List ConfigMaps across namespaces
kubectl get cm --all-namespaces -o yaml # ConfigMaps in YAML format
Ingress and Persistent Volume Claims
Manage Ingress resources for HTTP routing and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) for storage.
Retrieve ingresses
kubectl get ing # List ingresses in the current namespace
kubectl get ing --all-namespaces # List ingresses across all namespaces
Retrieve Persistent Volume Claims
kubectl get pvc # List PVCs in the current namespace
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name> -n <namespace_name> # Detailed information about a PVC
Manage StorageClasses, which define storage provisions within the cluster.
Retrieve StorageClasses
kubectl get sc # List all storage classes in the cluster
kubectl get sc -o yaml # Storage classes in YAML format
Cluster Info
Retrieve configuration details and check the status of cluster components.
Cluster configuration and status
kubectl config view # View the current configuration details
kubectl cluster-info # Display information about the cluster
kubectl get componentstatuses # Status of Kubernetes components
Node Operations
Perform node operations such as tainting, labeling, scheduling, and maintenance.
Label, taint, and schedule nodes
kubectl taint node <node_name> <taint_name> # Apply a taint to a node to restrict scheduling
kubectl label node <node_name> disktype=ssd # Add a label to a node
kubectl cordon <node_name> # Mark a node as unschedulable
kubectl uncordon <node_name> # Mark a node as schedulable
kubectl drain <node_name> # Drain a node for maintenance
kubectl delete node <node_name> # Remove a node from the cluster
kubectl edit node <node_name> # Edit a node's configuration directly
Namespace and Deployment Operations
Namespace and Deployment operations for management and scaling.
Namespace operations
kubectl delete namespace <namespace_name> # Delete a specific namespace
kubectl edit namespace <namespace_name> # Edit namespace settings
Deployment operations
kubectl delete deploy <deploy_name> # Remove a deployment
kubectl edit deploy <deploy_name> # Modify a deployment's configuration
kubectl expose deploy <deploy_name> --type=NodePort # Expose a deployment via NodePort
kubectl scale deploy
Create and Apply Resources
Create and apply resources
kubectl create -f <file_name> # Create resources from a file
kubectl apply -f <file_name> # Apply changes from a file
kubectl run <pod_name> --image=nginx --restart=Never # Run a single Nginx pod
kubectl create svc nodeport <svc_name> --tcp=8080:80 # Create a NodePort service
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